Treasures, Treasuries, and Thoughts

I swore I would never do a blog! So much for swearing. I didn't think that I would have much to say or share. I was wrong! I have been so blessed with a wonderful family, loyal friends, sharing colleagues, and the support from so many that I will never run out of topics to write about.

I have opened an on-line store at a place called Etsy (rhymes with Betsy). The items on the left are available for purchase there. These will change from week to week to show you my latest creations. The link to the store is in the upper left corner of this page.

I also have items for sale listed on Art Fire. The link to my Art Fire Studio is

I hope you will visit this blog, my Flickr page ( and my Etsy and/or Art Fire stores often. (

So come along on my Trail of Treasures! It will be a Spirit Journey for me and I invite you to join me on the trip.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mvto and Wa-do III

Etsy, the place to buy hand made items, has a feature called "Treasuries". If you have followed my blog, you have seen selected Treasuries before. This is my lastest treasury, entitled Mvto and Wa-do III. Since November is National Native American Month, I decided to honor some of my Etsy friends and their wonderful creations as a means of thanking them for their personal and professional support during the last year.

Now, one is limited to 12 spaces and 4 alternate spaces. Thus, it is impossible to thank all of my Etsy friends but I will endeavor to find other means at a later date to express my appreciation.
You are all "treasures" to me! Mvto and Wa-do Bbest friends!

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