Treasures, Treasuries, and Thoughts

I swore I would never do a blog! So much for swearing. I didn't think that I would have much to say or share. I was wrong! I have been so blessed with a wonderful family, loyal friends, sharing colleagues, and the support from so many that I will never run out of topics to write about.

I have opened an on-line store at a place called Etsy (rhymes with Betsy). The items on the left are available for purchase there. These will change from week to week to show you my latest creations. The link to the store is in the upper left corner of this page.

I also have items for sale listed on Art Fire. The link to my Art Fire Studio is

I hope you will visit this blog, my Flickr page ( and my Etsy and/or Art Fire stores often. (

So come along on my Trail of Treasures! It will be a Spirit Journey for me and I invite you to join me on the trip.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pow Wowing in Lincoln, April 21, 2012

While Joba Chamberlain, Winnebago from Lincoln, NE, recuperates from an injured ankle in New York, his father, Harlan Chamberlain attended the University of Nebraska Pow Wow last Saturday.   We were pleased to have Mr. Chamberlain make purchases in our booth. 

Joba is a pitcher for the New York Yankees.  He is the pride of the Winnebago tribe and his late cousin, Lu Armel…my dear friend. 

Joba injured his right ankle while bouncing on a trampoline with his son in March.  Joba resumed working out at the Yankees' minor league complex this week, where he played catch in the outfield with his right knee on a stool.

Joba is quoted as saying that “ the ankle continues to improve and that his throwing arm is 100 percent.
It's a little stiff, but good,"

Harlan Chamberlain is one proud father…and well he should be! 

Patrick and I vended at this Pow Wow.  This was our second year to participate in this event but we look forward to many more.  The Pow Wow is held to honor students graduating from UNL.  They also honored any student present who had graduated from something…..down to pre-school. 

Mr. Chamberlain, it was so good to see you out and about on Saturday.  We look forward to Joba’s full recovery and return to the Yankees.  We also look forward to attending this event again next year!  

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