Treasures, Treasuries, and Thoughts

I swore I would never do a blog! So much for swearing. I didn't think that I would have much to say or share. I was wrong! I have been so blessed with a wonderful family, loyal friends, sharing colleagues, and the support from so many that I will never run out of topics to write about.

I have opened an on-line store at a place called Etsy (rhymes with Betsy). The items on the left are available for purchase there. These will change from week to week to show you my latest creations. The link to the store is in the upper left corner of this page.

I also have items for sale listed on Art Fire. The link to my Art Fire Studio is

I hope you will visit this blog, my Flickr page ( and my Etsy and/or Art Fire stores often. (

So come along on my Trail of Treasures! It will be a Spirit Journey for me and I invite you to join me on the trip.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Custom Designed Medicine Wheel Totem Earrings

Native American Beaded Earrings (Dec 22-Jan 19 Totem Earrings) : jstinson - ArtFire Jewelry

I have a wonderful customer named "Maria". While she may have a "West Side Story", that is not where she lives. She lives in Staten Island. She requested that I make a large, light blue pair of earrings for her and left the design in my hands. Here is design I elected to do.

These earrings were made with elements from the Native American Medicine Wheel. If you (or someone you know), like Maria were born between December 22 and January 19, you are in the Medicine Wheel position of The Earth Renewal Moon.

This is the first moon of the new year and the Spirit Keeper of the North. The animal totem for people born in the Earth Renewal Moon phase is the snow goose. The plant associated with the Earth Renewal Moon is the Birch Tree and the Mineral is Quartz.

I have made a pair of earrings that are 1 1/2" wide and 4" long, feature a Snow Goose in the design. The black beads symbolize the "V" formation of snow goose flight. The long white bugle beads represent the birch trees and the ends of the fringe are quartz crystals.

It is said that Earth Renewal Moon people are to learn to be as clear in receiving and transmiting energy as the quartz crystal. They are as important communicators of the ancient knowledge as the birch tree and as respectful of tradition and ritual as the snow goose.

Earth Renewal Moon people are in a position with potential for great power. They are to be fluid, yet adaptable, prudent, and wise. People in this position have vision, are good ceremonialists and can take large steps in their personal evolvution. They should guard against being "blocked in perfectionism" and strive to take time for fun.

If you are an Earth Renewal Moon person (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) or know someone who is and would like a pair of these earrings, I will be happy to make a pair for you. If you from a different Moon Phase, I would be happy to design a pair with your "Moon" attributes if you contact me with the date.

Maria, I hope you enjoy these earrings! Mvto and Wa-do (Thank you in Creek and Cherokee)for inspiring me to design them.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

In My Native Homeland...NDN Country

In My Native Homeland...NDN Country is the title of this wonderful collection of Native American Art currently appearing in a Treasury on Etsy. The curator of this collection is Northern Lodge. I hope you will enjoy viewing these pieces as much as I did.

I call your attention to the first piece on the left of the bottom row. It is featured in my Etsy store but was done by friend and collective member, Donel Keeler. This piece, Lakota Wedding, was a timely for me as I have just returned from my niece's wedding.

For her wedding, I beaded Marriage Feathers and did a Native Ceremony following the traditional wedding ceremony. I haven't downloaded photos of the wedding but will do so in the near future.

I want to thank Northern Lodge for this feature. The owner of Northern Lodge is from Colorado and is a Biologist, animal lover, gardener, bird watching, fishing woman, who also loves to canoe, hike, read, sew, and be creative.

Her store on Etsy is a delightful mixture of fiber arts, vintage pieces and even beaded umbilical cord amulets. Here is one of her beaded umbilical cord amulets. Visit her at

Mvto and Wa-do (Thank you in Creek and Cherokee) Northern Lodge for featuring the Lakota Wedding in your wonderful treasury!