Not long ago, I was contacted by a very nice lady who had a pair of native american earrings. She wanted a pendant to match them. After several e-mails, we determined that the best way to approach the situation was for her to send me one of the earrings.
It is often difficult to match the work done by someone else even if you are able to locate the beads. Exact matches are usually not possible. Even dye lots from one batch of the same beads differ from one another. So, I had no idea what I problems that I would face.
She also wanted the pendant to be larger than the earrings. This gets into another set of problems. How do you replicate the original design but enlarge it?
She did not want a necklace, only the pendant. She will be able to change the necklace portion with leather, ribbon, or cord depending on her mood and her apparell.
Next problem. A pair of earrings that one has had for several years will be dulled somewhat due to sunlight, wear, etc. New beads will be brighter.
The pendant is finished and is about as close as I could make it. I just sent the photo off to her and am waiting to hear back. I hope she likes it!