It was a very successful event despite the high winds on Sunday. We were forced to leave the sides of our tent down to avoid chasing our product around the arena. By so doing, we created our very own "sweat lodge".

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It was great to see old friends and make new ones. One that I was especially glad to see was a very young "old friend". Her name is Nevaeh Horse, Ponca and Lakota. She is now six years old.
Last year, her Uncle purchased one of my barrettes to add to her lime green regalia. I blogged about her in my August 8, 2008 blog. If you would like to check back, you can see photos of her there.
Nevaeh is not only a year older but has achieved the title of "Little Miss Ponca". This year it was her Father who purchased one of my items for Nevaeh's new jingle dress regalia.
A new friend is pictured here. She is Angelina Nockai. All of this wonderful beadwork on her regalia was done by Angelina herself . She is such a delightful young lady, a college student and an excellent beader. In fact, we loved her work so much that we gave Angelina two baseball caps and commissioned her to bead them for us. When she finishes them, I will post a blog about them as well.
It was great to see old friends and make new ones. One that I was especially glad to see was a very young "old friend". Her name is Nevaeh Horse, Ponca and Lakota. She is now six years old.
Last year, her Uncle purchased one of my barrettes to add to her lime green regalia. I blogged about her in my August 8, 2008 blog. If you would like to check back, you can see photos of her there.
Nevaeh is not only a year older but has achieved the title of "Little Miss Ponca". This year it was her Father who purchased one of my items for Nevaeh's new jingle dress regalia.
A new friend is pictured here. She is Angelina Nockai. All of this wonderful beadwork on her regalia was done by Angelina herself . She is such a delightful young lady, a college student and an excellent beader. In fact, we loved her work so much that we gave Angelina two baseball caps and commissioned her to bead them for us. When she finishes them, I will post a blog about them as well.
It is always such a pleasure for me to make something that someone wants to add to their regalia! There is no greater honor for me. Here is a young lady wearing one of my feathered hair clips that her Mother purchased for this event.
As you can see, it is the children and young people who fascinate me most. They are the future of our culture. It makes me proud to see them curious about our products, building their regalia and learning to be dance proudly. Here is Patrick discussing beadwork with a young Native "Diva".

I have posted more photos of this event on my Flickr. If you care to take a peek go to:
Our next Pow Wow is the Sac and Fox of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska. We look forward to seeing more friends at this event.
Wow! Such a wonderful event. Love the children. Glad you did so well.
I really enjoyed reading this post, and looking at the pictures. I felt almost as if I was there!
I really enjoyed your post and you made me wish I was there. Gorgeous outfits and beautiful people! Thanks for showing us.
Gimme A Dream from BeadSpace
Angelina's dress is just phenomenal!
Joni, what a lovely post. One day Evan and I will meet you at one of your Pow Wows. Looking forward to it. Maybe we can bring your 'namesake'. :)
Way cool. What a wonderful event to be a part of and what beautiful beadwork ~Brenda
Thanks to all who have left such wonderful comments. It was fun to share this great event!
Hi, Wow, great event, thanks so much for sharing this! I'm happy that you did well and had a great time! Hope that you have a wonderful day!
Hugs and Happy beading...
Bobbi, Thanks for you comments and Happy beading to you as well!
What a bunch of cutie patooties!
Great photos. It looks like a really fun event. Wish I were close enough to attend.
I went to a similar event here, much smaller but it was still fun.
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